2022 – Streets Alive Festival

Brad and Marty spar during the Streets Alive Festival

Over the wind, and the music, You can hear the boisterous laughter of Marty, as he and Brad spar in the afternoon sun. Today we hosted a stand at “Streets Alive”, a local community street festival that encourages a healthy lifestyle. The event took over a large 24 block area, of which we were gratefully placed in UPCO park.

With broad smiles and some knowledge, we introduced many a passer-by to the art of Fiore Swordplay. First we introduced the tools of the trade: gantlets, trainer swords, helmets, greaves, etc. When they had their fill of knowledge, we pointed them to the ring area behind us.

During the course of the day, Brad, Damien, Marty, Jackson, and Emma stepped in and out of the ring, sparring, practicing, “Sticky game”-ing, and generally having fun. The crowd came and went like the gusting of the wind. Sometimes they cheered, other times they laughed. But mostly they were absorbed in the fighting just as much as the combatants.

Emma and Jackson practice using “Sticky Game” – a Stop-Motion style of sparring

We had alot of fun today, and hope to see everyone at the next year. In the mean time, we will continue to hone our skills, and practice our art in the shelter of Easterday Recreation Center.



