Hot, Fun, and Exhausting; what more could you want from a Demo?
All-in-all the Party in the Park demonstration went well. We had three opportunities to demonstrate Fiore’s art over the course of the 4-hour event. During which we showed the basics of Longsword, Dagger, and unarmed combat that we learn in the guild. It was exciting to show off the skills that we are developing in guild to more then just the guild.
Along with Joe Loder and Daniel Cadenbach, we had several members of the guild present to help with the demonstrations as well as discuss the gear that we had on display at the table, and the traditions of Fiore’s art that we practice within the guild.
In the downtime we worked on the art ourselves, from practicing the fundamental Fendente, to the more advanced throwing techniques, we tried to keep moving from the start of the event. This worked to both keep us “warm” and drawing a crowd of interested people.
It was a fun demonstration, and we hope that those attending got as much out of it as we did. Now its back to stretching and drills to hone our skills until the next chance we get to show them off. Hopefully we wont have to wait long.